I have so much traditional stuff laying around on my computer that needs to be cleaned up and adjusted, so the lines aren't all washed out and gross looking. Here's a few things that I got around to fixing up.
Millie, a very practiced thief. I thought this was going to be her final design, but I'd like to make a few more adjustments, I think. Her design is part human, part armadillo, and part monkey (though more in her movements), but I'd like to bring in more armadillo elements.
Not 100% sure about this guy's story yet, but I'm thinking he's an arcade machine repairman named Reagan. Probably a minor character, but my minor characters have a tendency to grow beyond their boundaries, so we'll see.
Some concepts for one of the world representatives in the alien council, from the same story as Millie. They can do some pretty weird stuff with those hands, but usually their crown of arms only extends outwards in such a way in times of extreme distress.
A concept for Skiff, a kid in a small, hockey-loving town, who is plagued with visions of Venus Jackalope aliens. The details of his design have gone through a lot of iterations in the past, so I wouldn't say this is the final one, but I'm getting closer to how I want him to look.
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